
Tuesday 28 August 2018


Image result for Tonga flag imageIn the Holidays I went to Tonga with my nana to visit her family. She wanted to visit her brother who passed away in 2017. In Tonga we slept over her sisters house with her sons and her daughters. I hung out with my cousin. He is 14 years old and I'm taller than him. We have a lot in common such as gaming and singing (well I like to listen to songs and him singing) and we also hang out with my uncles' son who is my nana's brothers' son. We liked to go to the shop to buy credit so we can buy data for the phone to watch YouTube videos and play games.

When my nana's family arrived we all went to the graveyard to visit her dead brother. After that we went back home and just talked and played games.

And that was what I did in Tonga.

Friday 10 August 2018

The Stick Game!(developer by Solomone)

Last week on Friday we played a game called the stick game. This was a game that I developed well we were doing a cloze comprehension about cave dwellers. Our WALT was to Imagine you are the child of a cave-dweller. I had to explain to them about what game me and my friends played in our cave on very cold, wet days. we had to use the guidelines below to help us brainstorm our ideas. When I finished creating a game we played it and enjoyed it.

1. Equipment:

2. How Many People you need:
3 - 10

3. How to play:
Spin the stick.

4. How to win:
If the stick points to you then you win.

Enjoy The Game!